I call this method Presinicfin. Preemptive Subtle Information Injection to Combat Future Indoctrination.
I don't think her's was a particularly potent example. Here's an example of a more potent way of using this method:
Let's use as an example, the Watchtower a few years ago that said to be ready to obey any information from the organization whether or not it seems logical from a human or strategic standpoint. Let's say this information is leaked to you ahead of time by an apostate insider.
You look for an example of a cult that mirrors this - a cult that encourages members to accept what the cult says no matter how illogical it sounds. You discuss this other cult with the JW and point out the folly of them blindly following directions no matter if it sounds illogical. You try to get the JW to commit mentally to the idea that it is foolish for religious people to follow illogical directions from a cult. You even point out how the cult skillfully misuses bible texts to guilt the members into following its illogical instructions. You don't mention JWs at all. You don't offer the slightest hint that you're alluding to JWs. You're ostensibly highlighting an example of the folly Babylon the Great. Your goal is to make a lasting impression on their mind that it is foolish and cultish to blindly follow a religious organization even when its instructions seem illogical.
Some days or weeks later when the JW receives and reads the new Watchtower or it is considered at the meeting, the part about being ready to obey any information even if it seems illogical, will react negatively in his mind, with the firmly held idea that was implanted by the prior discussion you had with him. This will produce a strong bout of cognitive dissonance that will tend to cause him to reject the Watchtower instruction as being blatantly foolish and cult-like. He does not even have to remember the specific discussion he had with you. He just has to remember and invest in the idea that you implanted during your discussion with him.
The preemtive and subtle nature of this method means that the JW easily accepts the information you share with him as his defenses are down since you don't hint at any connections with his religion. You're just sharing innocuous helpful information with him which, unbeknown to him, will react negatively in his mind with future information he will receive from Watchtower, resulting in him being repulsed by the Watchtower information, being less apt to accept it and more apt to wake up from the indoctrination.
So whatever insider information is leaked to us before the JWs we use this information to our advantage by having a preemptive discussion with JWs where we implant in their minds, ideas that are at odds with the Watchtower information that will be revealed to them in the future. These preemptive ideas then serve as a kind of inoculation against them blindly accepting the Watchtower information that will be revealed to them in future. Ideally, the ideas we implant should cause a bout of cognitive dissonance in future, causing them to be somewhat repulsed by the future Watchtower information.